During an emergency, the municipality may use multiple available methods to notify the public of upcoming/ongoing hazards, road closures and evacuations. Depending on the nature of the emergency event, some forms of notification may not be available or used. It is recommended and important that residents try to remain informed via multiple different information platforms. The municipality uses the Connect notification system as the main method of notifying its residents of important information and would be used during an emergency. Please sign up to receive notifications via the Connect alerting system. Information may also be shared via our website, Facebook page and in our monthly newsletter. Sign up to receive the electronic version of our monthly newsletter HERE.
The Alert Ready system is used within the province of Manitoba. This system may send out notifications for life-threating events and all notifications should be taken seriously when they are received.
Alert Ready is Canada’s national emergency alert system. Alert Ready aims to benefit all Canadians by notifying them immediately of potentially life-threatening events. Alert , delivers alerts to the public by radio, cable and satellite television, websites and to compatible wireless devices.